17 Jul 2024

AluK GB's New Format: A Triumph for a Good Cause!

AluK GB's New Format: A Triumph for a Good Cause!

This year, AluK GB’s annual Move for Life event, aimed at raising funds for Breast Cancer Now charities, adopted an exciting new format. Traditionally focused on relay and park runs, the event was reimagined to be more inclusive, allowing participation from everyone regardless of fitness level.

The core mission of raising as much sponsorship as possible from AluK employees, their families, and friends within and outside the industry remained unchanged. However, this year's format included a variety of fitness activities throughout June, tracked using a step tracker app.

The event commenced on June 3rd with an inspiring opening ceremony. Andy Lewis MBE, a local European, World, and Paralympic triathlon champion, shared his motivational story and officially launched the challenge.

Walking Challenge

In tribute to the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, AluK GB set an ambitious goal: to collectively walk 812 miles (1,307 kilometers), the distance from Chepstow to Paris. The response was extraordinary, with 49 employees participating and vastly exceeding the target, achieving a staggering 5,752 miles (9,257 kilometers). This distance is equivalent to visiting all of AluK's European business units, the Middle East office, and even halfway to AluK India!

Cycle Challenge

For those who preferred indoor exercise, a static bike was installed in the AluK canteen, providing employees with the chance to pedal during their breaks.

Boot Camp

Two boot camps were held throughout the month, led by a local trainer. These sessions focused on bodyweight exercises, offering a challenging yet accessible workout for all participants.

The event concluded with a closing ceremony on July 1st. The top three performers in both the factory and office were celebrated with various prizes, and participation awards were given to all involved.

AluK GB’s efforts resulted in a donation of £1,318 (€1,557) to Breast Cancer Now, doubling the contributions from last year.

Congratulations to all participants from AluK GB for their dedication and enthusiasm in this year's global Move for Life challenge. A special thank you to the amazing organizing team for their exceptional efforts.

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